Careif launches new website

We at Careif are delighted to be relaunching our website with a new format and design which details some of the work that we have conducted over many years as well as showcasing the many exciting and important projects we are currently working on.

Whilst many of our current personnel working with Careif have changed, our aims and values have not. Our scope remains international and we will continue to support people and their communities to improve the well-being, conditions and lives of people experiencing mental ill-health. Working together in respectful cooperation with others remains central to our approach.

The recent COVID pandemic has had considerable consequences for the health of communities across the world which has made our work more pressing. During the pandemic, we at Careif took the time to rethink the way we work.  We have built up a new team of Trustees and Associates, all of whom have contributed to the redevelopment of our organisation. In particular, we are grateful to our new associates for the development of this site.

Partnerships remain an important driver for change and recently we have made some productive new partnerships with organisations including the Ethnic Inclusion Foundation and the Beth Johnson Foundation. We are also supporting an important new project, ATTUNE, led by Professor Kamaldeep Bhui (University of Oxford) and Professor Eunice Ma (Falmouth University).

We are open to creating additional partnerships and welcome others who wish to be involved in the important task of improving mental health and mental health care worldwide.

Professor Rachel Tribe, Chair of Board of Trustees

Keith Bradnam
Award-winning chef. Beloved poet. Compulsive liar.

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