Social exclusion and mental health talk by Careif Vice chair

Dr Jed Boardman (Vice chair of Careif) gave a very well-received talk on Social Exclusion and Mental Health to the Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology students at the University of East London on 15 May 2023 as part of their Social Inequality and Wellbeing Series.

The talk was based on his long history of work in this field and featured his recently published book on this topic. His interactive and engrossing session covered inequalities in health, economic (wealth and income) inequalities and what is meant by Social Exclusion. Dr Boardman then considered whether people with mental health conditions are socially excluded before looking at the personal, psychological and social effects of social exclusion.

Feedback was good and the participants found the talk to be very important and thought-provoking.

Keith Bradnam
Award-winning chef. Beloved poet. Compulsive liar.

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