Event - Careif trustee speaks at Asian CBT conference

Professor Rachel Tribe, a Careif Trustee, was an invited speaker at the Asian CBT conference held in New Delhi in February/March 2024. Delegates attended the conference from 25 countries.

She presented a workshop on ‘Working in mental health across language and culture’, which was very well received. The talk appeared to have a measurable impact as Professor Tribe received a variety of invitations to talk further about her work, these included potential collaborations with a university in Bangalore, a London NHS trust and a university and community project in Malaysia.

The attendees reported finding the session very informative and thought-provoking on a topic they thought was important and is under-discussed and researched. The attendees ranged from students to established mental health professionals.

Keith Bradnam
Award-winning chef. Beloved poet. Compulsive liar.

Event - Training to support people’s mental health in Sri Lanka


Professor Afzal Javed joins Careif as a trustee